Development Update - Profile Tabs & Filters on Wants

Good morning, traders!
This morning we've pushed a seemingly small but none the less important update for Cardsphere.
Clicking on any user's profile will now show the profile broken up into to tabs, one which features the normal user information cleverly labeled "Profile" while user wants is in a new tab called "Wants."
This update serves a few purposes. In addition to being a starting point for some other upcoming features, the primary goal here is to help cut down on site load by not automatically loading the entirety of a user's Wants every time someone clicks on a profile link (it will still show matched cards between you and that user.)
Instead, viewing wants now requires a click on the new Wants tab:

In exchange for that extra click, we have added a fairly common request of being able to filter down user's Wants by clicking the Filters dropdown at the top of the user's want list:

These filters should be familiar with any user who has filtered anything on Cardsphere before, and can help you dig down through those lists that used to require endless scrolling.
Nothing else very exciting in this update, but we are looking forward to sharing more development updates with everyone in the very near future!
Thanks and happy trading!